Li, W., Wang, S., Chen, X., Tian, Y., Gu, Z., Lopez-Carr, A., ... & Zhu, R. (2023). GeoGraphVis: A Knowledge Graph and Geovisualization Empowered Cyberinfrastructure to Support Disaster Response and Humanitarian Aid. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(3), 112.
Shi, M., Currier, K., Liu, Z., Janowicz, K.,Wiedemann, N., Verstegen, J., McKenzie, G., Graser, A., Zhu, R., & Mai, G. (2023). Thinking Geographically about AI Sustainability. The 26th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. [under review]
Liu, Z., Janowicz, K., Rao, J., Gao, S., Currier, K., Shi, M., Cai, L. & Graser, A. (2023). Here is Not There: Measuring Entailment-based Trajectory Similarity for Location Privacy Protection and Beyond. The 12th International Conference on Geographic Information Science. [under review]
Janowicz, K., P. Hitzler, W. Li, D. Rehberger, M. Schildhauer, R. Zhu, C. Shimizu, C. K. Fisher, L. Cai, G. Mai, J. Zalewski, L. Zhou, S. Stephen, S. Gonzalez, B. Mecum, A. Lopez-Carr, A. Schroeder, D. Smith, D.Wright, S. Wang, Y. Tian, Z. Liu, M. Shi, A. D'Onofrio, Z. Gu, & K. Currier. 2022. "Know, KnowWhere, KnowWhereGraph: A densely connected, cross-domain knowledge graph and geo-enrichment service stack for applications in environmental intelligence."" AI Magazine 43: 30-39.
Mai, G., Hu, Y., Gao, S., Cai, L., Martins, B., Scholz, J., ... & Janowicz, K. (2022). Symbolic and subsymbolic GeoAI: Geospatial knowledge graphs and spatially explicit machine learning. Transactions in GIS.
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Liu, Z., Gu, Z., Thelen, T., Estrecha, S. G., Zhu, R., Fisher, C. K., ... & Hitzler, P. (2022, November). Knowledge explorer: exploring the 12-billion-statement KnowWhereGraph using faceted search (demo paper). In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (pp. 1-4).
Mai, G., Cundy, C., Choi, K., Hu, Y., Lao, N., & Ermon, S. (2022, November). Towards a foundation model for geospatial artificial intelligence (vision paper). In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (pp. 1-4).
Mai, G., Jiang, C., Sun, W., Zhu, R., Xuan, Y., Cai, L., ... & Lao, N. (2022). Towards general-purpose representation learning of polygonal geometries. GeoInformatica, 1-52. Janowicz, K., Regalia, B., Zhu, R., & Yan, B. (2022). Understanding the Spatial, Platial, and Temporal Properties of Cryptocurrency Ecosystems.
Janowicz, K., Regalia, B., Zhu, R., & Yan, B. (2022). Understanding the Spatial, Platial, and Temporal Properties of Cryptocurrency Ecosystems.
Janowicz, K., Shimizu, C., Hitzler, P., Mai, G., Stephen, S., Zhu, R., Cai, L., Zhou, L., Schildhauer, M., Liu, Z., Wang, Z., & Shi, M. (2022). Diverse data! Diverse schemata?. Semantic Web, 13, 1-3.
Carral, D., Zalewski, J., & Hitzler, P. (2022). An efficient algorithm for reasoning over OWL EL ontologies with nominal schemas. Journal of Logic and Computation.
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Cai, L., Janowicz, K., Zhu, R., Mai, G., Yan, B., & Wang, Z. (2022). HyperQuaternionE: A hyperbolic embedding model for qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning. GeoInformatica, 1-39.
Cai, L., Janowicz, K., & Zhu, R. (2022). Automatically Discovering Conceptual Neighborhoods Using Machine Learning Methods. In 15th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2022). Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Liu, Z., Janowicz, K., Cai, L., Zhu, R., Mai, G., & Shi, M. (2022). Geoparsing: Solved or Biased? An Evaluation of Geographic Biases in Geoparsing. AGILE: GIScience Series, 3, 9.
Janowicz, K., Zhu, R., Verstegen, J., McKenzie, G., Martins, B., & Cai, L. (2022). Six GIScience ideas that must die. AGILE: GIScience Series, 3, 7.
Zhu, R., Janowicz, K., Mai, G., Cai, L., & Shi, M. (2022). COVID-Forecast-Graph: An open knowledge graph for consolidating COVID-19 forecasts and economic indicators via place and time. AGILE: GIScience Series, 3, 21.
Zhu, R., Janowicz, K., Cai, L., & Mai, G. (2022). Reasoning over higher-order qualitative spatial relations via spatially explicit neural networks. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 36(11), 2194-2225.
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Zhu, R., Shimizu, C., Stephen, S., Zhou, L., Cai, L., Mai, G., Janowicz, K., Schildhauer, M., & Hitzler, P. (2021). SOSA-SHACL: Shapes Constraint for the Sensor, Observation, Sample, and Actuator Ontology. The 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Graphs, 99–107.
Cai, L., Janowicz, K., Yan, B., Zhu, R., & Mai, G. (2021, December). Time in a box: Advancing knowledge graph completion with temporal scopes. In Proceedings of the 11th on Knowledge Capture Conference (pp. 121-128).
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Shimizu, C., Zhu, R., Mai, G., Fisher, C., Cai, L., Schildhauer, M., Janowicz, K., Hitzler, P., Zhou, L., & Stephen, S. (2021). A Pattern for Features on a Hierarchical Spatial Grid. The 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Graphs, 108–114.
Zalewski, J., Hitzler, P., & Janowicz, K. (2021, November). Semantic Compression with Region Calculi in Nested Hierarchical Grids. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (pp. 305-308).
Zhu, R., Ambrose, S., Zhou, L., Shimizu, C., Cai, L., Mai, G., ... & Schildhauer, M. (2021). Environmental Observations in Knowledge Graphs. In 2nd Workshop on Data and research objects management for Linked Open Science (pp. 1-11).
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